Instructor Name

Godwin B




4 (1 Rating)

Course Requirements

1. Device and Internet Access:

Ensure access to a computer or laptop with a reliable internet connection for participating in online lectures, accessing course materials, and completing assignments.

2. Text Editor:

Install a text editor of your choice, such as Visual Studio Code or Sublime Text, to write and edit HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code effectively.

3. Web Browser:

Have a modern web browser (e.g., Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox) installed to preview and test your web designs.

4. Basic Computer Skills:

Familiarity with basic computer operations, file management, and navigation is recommended for a smoother learning experience.

5. Commitment to Learning:

Dedicate time to engage with course materials, practice coding regularly, and actively participate in discussions and assignments to maximize the learning experience.

No prior web design experience is required; this course is designed for beginners eager to dive into the exciting world of web design.

Course Description

The "Web Designing Course for Beginners" is a comprehensive program designed to equip participants with essential skills in web design. This course covers a range of topics, including HTML and CSS fundamentals, responsive web design, layout design, typography, user experience (UX) design, portfolio creation, and JavaScript basics. Participants will learn to create visually appealing, user-friendly websites while gaining a solid understanding of industry best practices. Through a hands-on approach, students will engage in practical exercises, projects, and discussions, ensuring a well-rounded learning experience. Whether you're pursuing a career in web design or enhancing your digital skills, this course provides the foundation for building professional and effective web solutions. Join us on this exciting journey into the world of web design!

Course Outcomes

1. Proficient HTML and CSS Skills:

   Gain a strong foundation in HTML and CSS, enabling you to create structured and visually appealing web pages.

2. Responsive Web Design Mastery:

   Acquire the skills to design websites that seamlessly adapt to various devices and screen sizes, ensuring a consistent user experience.

3. Layout Design and Typography Expertise:

   Develop an eye for aesthetically pleasing layouts and master the art of typography to enhance the visual appeal and readability of your web designs.

4. User Experience (UX) Design Proficiency:

   Understand the principles of UX design, allowing you to create websites that prioritize user satisfaction through intuitive navigation and engaging interactions.

5. JavaScript Basics Competence:

   Explore fundamental concepts of JavaScript programming, empowering you to add dynamic and interactive elements to your web projects.

6. Portfolio Creation and Presentation Skills:

   Learn how to curate and present a standout portfolio, showcasing your web design projects effectively to potential clients or employers.

7. Problem-Solving and Critical Thinking:

   Cultivate problem-solving skills and a critical mindset, essential for addressing challenges encountered during the web design process.

8. Collaboration and Communication Skills:

   Enhance your ability to collaborate with peers, seek feedback, and effectively communicate design decisions in a professional context.

By the end of this course, you'll have a well-rounded skill set, empowering you to create visually compelling, user-friendly websites and establishing a solid foundation for further exploration in the dynamic field of web design.

Course Curriculum

1 Web Designing Course for Beginners
10 Min

Enroll in the "Web Designing Course for Beginners," a comprehensive program covering HTML, CSS, responsive design, layout, typography, UX design, portfolio creation, and JavaScript basics. Build a solid foundation and transform into a skilled web designer capable of crafting visually appealing and user-friendly websites.

2 Web Designing Course for Beginners Quiz [Quiz]

1 HTML Basics
5 Min

Welcome to the "HTML Basics" module of the "Web Designing Course for Beginners" offered by My Dear Students. In this foundational module, you will embark on your journey to becoming a proficient web designer by gaining a solid understanding of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML).

2 HTML Basics Quiz [Quiz]

1 CSS Fundamentals
5 Min

Immerse yourself in web styling with "CSS Fundamentals." Learn to enhance HTML pages visually, from colors and fonts to layouts. Unleash creativity and elevate design skills with Cascading Style Sheets!

2 CSS Fundamentals Quiz [Quiz]

1 Responsive Web Design
5 Min

Master the art of creating adaptable websites with the "Responsive Web Design" module. Learn to build layouts that seamlessly adjust to different devices, ensuring a user-friendly experience across screens of all sizes.

2 Responsive Web Design Quiz [Quiz]

1 Layout Design and Typography
4 Min

Refine design skills with "Layout Design and Typography." Dive into creating visually appealing web pages through balanced layouts and typographic finesse, mastering the art of aesthetic composition.

2 Layout Design and Typography Quiz [Quiz]

1 User Experience (UX) Design
5 Min

Explore user-centric design in "User Experience (UX) Design" to craft visually appealing and functional websites. Enhance your skills in intuitive navigation and user engagement for an impactful web experience.

2 User Experience (UX) Design Quiz [Quiz]

1 Creating a Portfolio
4 Min

In "Creating a Portfolio," master the art of showcasing web design skills with strategies for curating standout portfolios. Impress clients or employers with a visually appealing and impactful presentation of your unique design style and capabilities.

2 Creating a Portfolio Quiz [Quiz]

1 Advanced CSS Techniques
5 Min

Advance your web design prowess with our 'Advanced CSS Techniques' lesson, diving into precision styling, responsive layouts, and dynamic animations. Elevate your designs and master the intricacies of modern CSS for visually stunning and interactive websites.

2 Advanced CSS Techniques Quiz [Quiz]

1 Javascript Basics
5 Min

Dive into the "JavaScript Basics" module, exploring fundamental programming concepts like variables and functions. Acquire the skills to infuse interactivity into your web designs, creating dynamic and engaging user experiences.

2 Javascript Basics Quiz [Quiz]



Godwin B


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

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Web Development for Beginners


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